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Food Addicts and Supermarkets

In order to present you the entire supermarket scheme I have to start from the outside. What are supermarkets made of? This may not apply to all countries, but the majority of the supermarkets are nothing but ugly metal warehouses with a few glass windows. It’s obvious that the architects of those ”buildings” are trying to keep the projects as cheap as possible so that more chains can be opened with as little commitment as possible. If something goes to hell, at least all that metal can be recycled, right? The keywords here are: quantity over quality. Profit over style. Supermarkets never invest into a solid construction because it doesn’t fit their plans. They want to pay little and sell big. Thus, people are shopping in easy to maintain and construct warehouses that resemble military bases rather than constructions with tradition, character and style. While the outside of a supermarket can tell you almost the whole story, the real fun starts once you get inside and start...

Let's Stop The Self Development Bullshit, Shall We?

That day the city was under attack coming from a heavyweight rain playing with everything beneath the clouds. My shoes with holes in the soles reported bankruptcy rather fast. I had to find a place to hide and since I was in the period of your life when shiny shop windows attract you the most, I entered a large store with multiple floors, hoping to find consolation. I decided to go to the large bookstore on the 4 th  floor. I would like to say that my choice was dictated by strong desire to achieve spiritual elevation, but the truth is that this was the place with the lowest prices. It suited my broke status. I got into the elevator and the spam started. There were posters promoting a revolutionary self-help book that had the power to change your life. It was called ”Transform Yourself Into…..uhuhuhu something”. I don’t remember the rest. The author had white curly hair and three million dollar golden glasses. He was a local professor and the brotherhood was pushing him forwar...

The World We Living

Profit is the king of this world In Hanoi, under French colonial rule, the masters had to find a way to diminish the populations of rats in the city. They decided to pay for each rat tail. The results? People started breeding rats for the tails, and the country ended up with even more rats than before. Stories like that prove that  profit  is the king of this world, and people are going full madhouse to get paid. As a result, crazy, sick, illogical things occur. Things that are hard to explain to the kids. Some blame the Illuminati, others blame the government and religion. And while there’s no denying that every ruling element has an important role and influences the course of events, pointing the exact culprit is difficult because the masters hide behind many proxies. Finding the real IP is as hard as it gets. However, there’s one thing that’s 100% certain and never changes. The world is a business. We often search for occult explanat...

Forma Correcta de Evacuar

EL DEFECAR S ENTADO DEMANDA ESFUERZOS QUE SON PERJUDICIALES Una amplia gama de problemas de salud como el  estreñimiento, las hemorroides, la colitis, la enfermedad de Crohn, la diverticulitis, los trastornos ginecológicos, el cáncer de colon, la hernia hiatal y el reflujo gastro esofágico, los trastornos de la próstata y las  disfunciones sexuales potencialmente se derivan de la costumbre de hacer las deposiciones sentados. Cagar sentado es malo para la salud. Los problemas intestinales y pélvicos pueden estar relacionados con la postura incorrecta al momento de defecar, así lo sugiere la  evidencia. Según estudios recientes, la mitad de la población mayor de 40 años de edad puede sufrir de estreñimiento y de hemorroides. Las molestosas hemorroides, según esos mismos estudios, son en gran parte  el resultado del esfuerzo excesivo que se hace al defecar sentado. Posición correcta para ir al baño Pues sencillamente la que el ser humano util...