![Мъж, Спортист, Фитнес, Човешкото, Човек, Мускулна](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2019/11/23/20/42/man-4648086_960_720.jpg)
Games have two sets of rules.
The first one is called authorized instructions.
The second one is what you are left with when the authorized
instructions fail.
The name of the game in the fitness industry is
called Mu$$le. In this chapter, I will give you the second set of rules without
which you cannot win it.
Mu$$le involves three main players: muscle
heroes [puppets], businessmen [Milkmen], and muscle fan-boys [cows].
According to the official agreement, each player is getting a marvelous
The muscle heroes bath in popularity and money earned with hard work.
The businessmen enjoy backstage fame and
enormous fortune for providing outstanding opportunities to everyone.
The fans get to touch enlarged muscle fibers
and receive access to secrets that can supposedly turn anyone into a muscular
Final result: Everyone is happy and gets a fair share of gains.
Those rules, however, are nothing but a politically correct,
candy-coated cover-up.
Here's what really happens.
The Muscle Hero Legion, made out of
bodybuilders and fitness models on heavy steroids, is abused by the Milkmen to
drill a hole in your head through which the ♣Grand Muscle Illusion♣ reaches your
inner layers.
This virus acts as a parasite producing
hallucinations that bond with your deepest desires. The mixture creates a fake
environment in your head where your chimeras manifest and feel genuine. The
experience becomes incredibly addictive because it also feeds your famished and
depressed ego of a modern humanoid living the life of a gun shooting blanks.
When done correctly, the Grand Muscle Illusion
emits vivid, magical colors that hypnotize you and transfer your psyche into
another realm where you find acceptable answers to your questions and enjoy a
sense of completion that your previous muscleless existence has failed to
deliver. You begin to feel fearless in your battle against the cold, computer
like universe.
Once the fantasy has signed a treaty with the
pleasure centers in your brain, you are badly infected. The more you eat, the
more you starve. And when the dose wears off, you return back into the previous
cold, ordinary world you had grown to hate more than anything else because
there your soul feels anemic, atrophied and fragile.
The end goal of the Milkmen and their pawns
[bodybuilders & fitness models] is to turn you into a puppy that only knows
one thing – how to ask its Masters for food. As soon as you accept that
mindset, you lose the game and let the other players steal your chips.
The first step to winning at Mu$$le is Withstanding the Seduction.
The human world is a store full of items
programmed to enslave you through persistent chanting of the sentence: ''I am
the gate to another universe.''
''What are you talking about,'' you ask. ''I've never heard this chant
You have never heard it before because it's never sung out loud.
Instead, it's contained in the aura of the
products and reaches you through unofficial channels under the guidance of
malicious language known as abusive and misleading marketing.
The promos [spells] are always targeting the
weakest links in the chain – your ego, will, rational thinking and subconscious
mind. Those three elements can crack at any given moment under the crushing
magnetic strength of the anabolic dream constantly abusing your self-pride and
If you want to win the game, you
have to build a shield against the manipulative tactics. You have to activate
your real brain and reject the overwhelming amount of sorcery coming your way.
Your level of addiction will determine the
difficulty of the process. The more attached you are to dream, the bigger the
nightmare is. You will experience great suffering because abandoning the
products thrown at you is the beginning of your separation from the illusion
you have accepted into your life. It will be hard, but to become victorious,
you have to endure the pain and move on. Later, after you have learned how to
control the machine, you can come back in this world and own it, but for now –
you have to leave.
The good news is that once you understand the
basic core principles powering the attacks against you, it becomes easier to
snap the strings attached to you.
To learn those principles, we have to go back to the starting line.
In the beginning, the first bodybuilding
products were weight sets. Some were made out of iron while others were plastic
spheres filled with sand. The profit from sales was good but not spectacular
because heavy-duty stuff like iron rarely breaks. Thus, the Milkmen had to
design a better product that muscle fanboys will have to replace more often.
Rumor has it that high level Milkmen met in a secret room lit only by the light
of the moon and came up with the most genius solution ever – magical food supplements that make you more
The first prototypes resembled expired pig food
filled with industrial waste and comatose inducing taste, but the retro muscle
magazines and mouth-to-mouth gossip coming from the poster boys for muscular
development allowed the Milkmen to take control over the brains of the masses.
People began buying the stuff because the hope
to look like a muscle hero was greater than the ineffectiveness of the
supplements. That trend continues to this day. The only difference is that now
supplements and their friends come in HD format. The seduction is even harder
to resist, but you have to remain firm and strong.
You must look at the woman in the red dress
staring at you from the corner of the street and resist the hydraulic pressure
in your gut generated by her inviting smile. Prepare yourself! It will be hard.
The psychic energy in the air will make you feel like your soul is going to
heaven when in fact it will be squeezing your heart until blood-drops starts
streaming inside of you.
Withstanding the Seduction is a tough mission
when you are not present in reality. Most people break under the alluring
heaviness of the woman's stare, which seemingly holds the door to another
domain full of otherworldly indulgence.
But you will not be one of those
You will not be a victim.
You will remain solid and persevere.
You won’t get caught in the wiry and resilient
net of this fake theater that leads to nothing but a twisted delirium
extracting your energy while giving you nothing in return.
Once the mysterious fog of the night is
dissolved, you will clearly see that the woman in the red dress is nothing but
a vampire under a pretty veil that can never love you.
Nevertheless, this will not be the end of the tribulation.
The vortex will continue.
Shortly after you've reached the coast, you will face another demon –
deep Insecurity
The drive to submerge into the fake muscle
realm will be amplified by the inbuilt human need to find your role in the
world and create your personal armor against life's hits. The other players
know this particularity very well and want to abuse it by forcing you to
worship a false personality through which they appropriate and consume your
For this purpose alone, they have manufactured
the image of a muscle knight serving as your personal guardian angel that can
supposedly give you exactly what you want. This angel is the father and the
mentor you never had.
To survive, however, you must never forget that
this angelic figure is deceitful, and the other players in the game are your
Who do you think sent the woman in the red dress your way in the first
It was them.
I know it's tempting to believe that your muscle
idols are truthful, and the muscle industry is one happy family brought
together by the relentless fight against muscle atrophy, but that is base level
Before all, the human world is a business. And
in business, you have neither friends nor lovers, only customers, enemies and
Your adversaries are playing games with your
mind and dancing around the core issues. The muscle puppets controlled by the
Milkmen can talk all day about protein flavor, but once you start questioning
their motives and logic, you turn into a hater.
And as you already know, we live in a world where the hate against
haters is considered love.
Finally, after you have passed through the fire, you will sit on the
ground and wonder.
''I am hurt, burned, tired, famished and most of all hopeless. Did I
really win the game?''
Then, you will fall asleep, and when you wake
up your wounds will be a little smaller than the night before.
You will even go to the gym without taking pre-workouts or other opiates
such as motivation.
You will be ready for whatever.
Each set will make you feel better, even though
there isn't an overload of protein in your bloodstream.
This cycle will continue for a very long time.
One day you will look at yourself in the mirror
and realize that you have won <<Mu$$le>> by staying true to
yourself and stopping the industry from turning you into something you were
never meant to be.
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