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The World We Living

Profit is the king of this world

In Hanoi, under French colonial rule, the masters had to find a way to diminish the populations of rats in the city. They decided to pay for each rat tail.

The results?

People started breeding rats for the tails, and the country ended up with even more rats than before.
Stories like that prove that profit is the king of this world, and people are going full madhouse to get paid.
As a result, crazy, sick, illogical things occur. Things that are hard to explain to the kids.
Some blame the Illuminati, others blame the government and religion.
And while there’s no denying that every ruling element has an important role and influences the course of events, pointing the exact culprit is difficult because the masters hide behind many proxies. Finding the real IP is as hard as it gets.
However, there’s one thing that’s 100% certain and never changes.

The world is a business.

We often search for occult explanations, but more often than not the industry is only trying to generate more earnings, which often result in more and more rats.
Legal or not, it doesn’t matter. If a practice is making real money, it’s going to continue one way or another.
That’s why you should expect just about anything from anyone – sometimes even your family and friends are going to stab you in the back.
I’ve seen crazy things.
One time a woman stole my phone while I was teaching her son how to ride a skateboard.
I know a woman who tricked an old sick man into signing forged documents and took his land.
I know a man who spent 15 years of his life being friends with a guy who turned out to be a distributor of heavy drugs.
Examples like that are just the tip of the iceberg. There are more brutal atrocities happening as we speak.

Perception is key. A dream has to be created.

A man bought new tires for his car and put the old ones in his backyard. Since there was very little life left in the old tires, he placed a ”FREE” sign on top. For weeks, nobody cared about the tires. They were invisible to the passengers and the neighbors.
Later, the guy replaced the ”FREE” sign with ”$25”.
The tires were stolen in a few days.
Perception of value.
When people are convinced that something is valuable, they want to have it.
Virtually all marketing strategies are built on this principle. Marketing experts are paid to create an otherworldly aura around products.

Hard Work Is a misunderstood phenomenon

Regular hard work is a facade behind which the psychopaths hide. The masses have been convinced that all it takes to get to the top is hard work. The result? A bunch of guys who follow Donald Trump’s and Steve Jobs’ schedule in an attempt to become millionaires.

Here’s the deal. Hard work works. It gets you ahead. In fact, it gets you so far ahead most wouldn’t believe it. But you will not get to the peak of the mountain as a regular human being. It takes a special kind of trick to kiss the sky. And that trick, baby, is not hard work. It’s more than that. It’s a soul contract. You have to come from the right lineage too. Nothing ever is random in the kingdom of the elite.

Youtube is a modern day soap opera

All YouTube guys think they are really important, and their life is the bomb. They believe the whole world must know what they eat every day because they are special and give so much ”knowledge” for ”free”. Like I am supposed to care what those Internet money whores put in their bodies.

This prima donna behavior has produced millions of shallow vlog videos in which spoiled online millionaires rub each other’s dicks and dance in their mansions. Good for them, I guess. But fuck them nevertheless.

I call this phenomenon YouTube inflation. You have tons of videos but very few have value. The bigger part of material is every day low-quality drivel without a fire in it. It’s like all YouTube videos are made in China now.
Honestly, I would rather watch a professionally edited brainwashing, Illuminati approved, indoctrinating, brain dead TV show with real actors than YouTube videos entitled: ”Sticking my *** in his ***”, ”What I ate for breakfast”, ”How to Lick Her Properly”, ”What I ate for Lunch”, ”My Wife Is Fat”, ”I Don’t Have PMMA in My Arms”…etc.

People only sell what others are willing to buy

Selling is an art. You have to know how the brain of the crowd works. Being capable of mind decoding elevates you to the next level. You become the strategist. The chest player controlling the pawns. You become the investor. You become the guy in the suit whose mouse clicks on a computer screen decide the destiny of people who have no idea how this world operates. This is what happened in 2007-2008 when America’s economy collapsed and the banks and Wall Street had to be bailed out.

How did it happen? According to the official statements the heart of the crisis was caused by bad mortgages sold to people who couldn’t pay for a dog house.
The reason?
People were selling what others were willing to buy.

Cultural Hegemony

One of the ultimate goals of the elite is to mold your worldview. All the ideas, explanations, values, beliefs and mores that we often take for granted are the means to this end.
The elites are the parents. We are their children.
They teach us how the world is supposed to work, and we absorb every piece of information because we don’t know any better. This results in the formation of totalitarian systems in which most people are nothing but subjects to cultural hegemony.
The scariest part is that most remain in that state forever. Recovery never takes place. The child never grows.

It’s the same thing all over again. Since the very beginning, the masters have been forming our understanding of the world.
We believe what we believe because the magazines say we have to believe it.
We are afraid to skip a meal because of the myths they’ve told us.
We are afraid to be happy in a way unapproved by the system.
But what’s the main motif for this master plan? Is it a sick joke?
Believe it or not, it’s not all bad.
The elite may be cruel and immoral, but in some cases, the strategies of the masters have a positive side effect.
I don’t know how to tell you this, but controlling the entire human life on the planet is not easy. People are rather difficult animals to restrain.
Many wannabes falsely believe that if we are free to do whatever we want as long as it doesn’t hurt other people, the world will be fixed.
What would happen if parents give total freedom to their children? Most kids would eat garbage food all day, masturbate until permanent genitalia deformation is achieved, play video games and never learn anything meaningful. There will be exceptions but not too many. That’s because we are lazy and inert by nature. We don’t want to do hard things.
How do you fix that as a parent? You demand more of your child. You show it that a better life is possible through progress.
Sometimes the stimulus to work harder comes from the system. Rewards like money and social status put people in check and create some kind of order in this world. Obviously, it’s not perfect, but it’s not bad all the way either.
Not everything that comes out of the current system is negative.
Not everything is a dream.
Not everything is a scam.
The question is, where do you draw the line? When do the necessary strictness and order transform into exploitation, slavery, and total manipulation?
That’s the problem.
The masters never stop.
Consequently, the slave never learns ”reality” and remains dependent on his parents for answers.
But, honestly, nobody knows what true reality is anyway.
It may very well be the biggest dream of them all – the one that enfolds all others.


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