In order to present you the entire supermarket scheme I have to start from the outside. What are supermarkets made of? This may not apply to all countries, but the majority of the supermarkets are nothing but ugly metal warehouses with a few glass windows. It’s obvious that the architects of those ”buildings” are trying to keep the projects as cheap as possible so that more chains can be opened with as little commitment as possible. If something goes to hell, at least all that metal can be recycled, right? The keywords here are: quantity over quality. Profit over style. Supermarkets never invest into a solid construction because it doesn’t fit their plans. They want to pay little and sell big. Thus, people are shopping in easy to maintain and construct warehouses that resemble military bases rather than constructions with tradition, character and style. While the outside of a supermarket can tell you almost the whole story, the real fun starts once you get inside and start...